We are two sisters growing up in the Midwest. Here's where we want to share with you the things we love: Playing the Piano, Scrap booking, Baking, Writing Letters, Reading, Singing, Laughing, Talking, Being with Friends, Practicing new Hair Styles, Drinking Coffee, and Babies.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Moses' True Account of Catching a Criminal

Since some of you were wondering about the 21st Random Fact About Our Family, Moses orally narrated the story to me so I could write it down for you to read. Enjoy reading about Catching a Criminal!!! 

Four score and seven years ago.... Um, sorry! I'm in the middle of memorizing the Gettysburg address... It was more like three years ago, our cousins and us helped to catch a criminal.
  Here's the true account of what happened that fateful day. As luck would have it, just as our mom was about to walk out the door and leave my sister babysitting for the first time ever, we got a call from our aunt. She said the school was on lock down and that an armed and dangerous man was on the run from the police right in our neighborhood! So we quickly changed our plans and decided to go stay at out aunt's a couple miles down the road while our mom was gone. Armed with our BB guns, my brother and I escorted our family to the minivan. Sure enough, the neighborhood was eerily quiet and police were driving around. We sure had to drive the speed limit, or we'd be pulled over like a dead duck! We were relieved when we reached our aunt's house safely without any criminals opening fire at us.
 Later on, we walked down the driveway to meet our cousins at the bus stop. Maybe the dog got a whiff of criminal because he headed down to the road, and, of course, we went after him. Sure enough, he was right! Around the corner came a real life criminal on a peddle bike! He matched the description perfectly! Black coat, gun handy (we think!) and a suspicious backpack. And a criminalish look about him.
   "Run! It's him!" We shouted.
   He looked our way and peddled wickedly fast. And we ran! And, boy, our hearts were pounding. We tore up the driveway, glancing suspiciously over our shoulders.
    "Call 911!" We told our aunt, as we poured out our story.
   She did alright, with five excited kids shouting out answers to the be relayed to the 911 operator.
    "He had a beard!"
    "No he didn't!"
     "Yes, I'm sure he did!"
   "We saw his gun!"
   "You did?!"
    Well, they got enough information, I guess, cause they caught him head to foot. Right down the road! Must of ditched his gun though because he was unarmed when they got him. Sure with we found his gun!
   I'm glad the dog smelled him or we would of never had the chance to catch a criminal. At least, I might not have until I'm in the National Guards.

Moses is looking forward to being our guest writer on here! He is the story writer of the family and is very creative, as you can see! :) 

Moses Baker w/ Isabelle


  1. Well, Moses! That is one exciting story! You had me gripping the edge of my chair! keep the stories coming! And stay away from any criminals!

  2. Wow! Moses, you and Isaac are AWESOME!!
